Blue Toast 2014: The Ultimate Swagger
Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Every year since 2012, the ASMPH holds the Blue Toast to celebrate the current batch of board takers passers. Because, as a friend of mine stated so perfectly, the Ateneo is a place where board takers are treated as heroes and not just as mere percentages. :)

 For someone who’s conceded to the reality that she no longer has real weekends, the whole thing was a breath of fresh air. Actually, anything that can potentially break the monotony of YL6 (aka the zombie year!) is more than welcome to try. It was nice seeing the parking area transform into a sort of concert ground, complete with a legit stage and various food stalls. Also, plus points for the fact that my college heroes were there too! I honestly wanted to have a picture taken with them, but I guess that’s the VIPs for you and me — one minute they’re there and the next, they’re gone. Note to self for next time: carpe diem!

I kind of had a disastrous migraine waiting to happen for the most part of the night, but I made the decision to stay anyway because I was so sure the better part of the event was going to happen towards the end. True enough, I wasn’t disappointed. I know, I know; pictures or it didn’t happen. But in this case, just take my word for it, okay? It was great.

And what is any Ateneo celebration without a good show of fireworks? :)

As for 2014, this is probably the last time I’m going to say this so allow me to immortalize my sentiments with this post: Know that I am incredibly proud of all of you. I stand by what I said before; you are all an inspiration and a concrete reminder that this thing we call med school can be conquered. Congratulations! AMDG!

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