Onward and upward!
Thursday, 30 April 2015

  • So I made it. And really, I am overjoyed. I have my private prayers but on top of my head, I just want to tell Him up there how truly grateful I am for ever staying by my side. Here's hoping for a smooth sailing through Year Level 7. But who am I kidding, really? This is medical school. 
  • I will be going on a mini trip soon! I am beyond excited right now, can you tell? I've really missed being out there and I honestly can't wait to go back. Hopefully, the next time that I badger my already weary keyboard, I'd have lovely photos to write about!
  • 51 years ago today, the only man I have ever truly loved, the same one to whom I owe everything, was born. We've done cheesy notes before so this year, in the event that you'll read this, allow me to say bluntly that I love you and that I will always be grateful for you. Happy Birthday, Daddy!

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  1. Congratulations! Seeing others successful makes me happy. Best of luck to you! :)

    Salvé at INDIE KITTY

  2. Congratulations! Whoa, Year 7?? How long is medical school?

    1. Thank you! :) YL7 is actually just my school's (hipster) way of saying third year, haha! Like YL5 is first year, following the typical four years of pre-med :)


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