Sky cycling, mostly
Sunday, 4 January 2015

Truth be told, I miss Davao. After all, for the most part of my life, it's been a second home to me. But for reasons I care not to divulge, I haven't been back there since before I went away for college, so while the cool girl in me may resent it, I do admit I was very excited to be back (for a much desired family reunion), even if it were only for three days. And indeed, those were three days well spent; new memories were created with good people about good food and good experiences.

Day 2 of the reunion was spent in Eden Nature Park, located somewhere at the foot of Mount Apo. As I see it, it's never a complete trip to Eden unless you get to experience catching your own lunch so naturally, the first on the agenda was to go fishing. I defied no one's expectations, of course, when at the end of it, I caught zero fish. (I swear I was better at it when I was younger! Haha!) After which, upon the suggestion of my uncle, we proceeded to sky cycling (which, you know, is really the center of this entire post.)

My cousin Issa, my sister, and me. I love how even on the "brink of death", I can still manage to be so sassy. In character forever. HAHAHA!

The Gaña children! (Most of us anyway.) Ain't nobody finer than my clique. ♥

 On our way up! I'm not quite sure how many feet above the ground we all were when we reached the top but suffice it to say, the flight of stairs was a challenge by itself. (Note to self: get fit! Haha!)

To be honest, the whole time we were preparing to go up, I didn't know what to feel. On one hand, I had never learned to ride a bike without training wheels and hence, I had every reason to be scared, but on the other, I wanted the experience so badly so much so that I was probably overcome by a sort of devil-may-care feeling.

Extraterrestrial ;)

Pleasant ride from there and back again. See what I did there? Hehe

Zip-lining to finish! Because, you know, we're thrifty and promos are always a welcome treat. Also because I refuse to go through those stairs one more time.

I like to think that years from now, I will look back and remember that on the last day of 2014, I (successfully, with the term being relative) rode a bike for the first time and went all the way up to the sky. I hate using clichés to make a point but there's really no better way to describe 2014 than as a roller-coaster. And I take joy in knowing that it ended so fittingly.

*I was stupid enough to leave my camera at home but not too stupid to know gratitude. So, thank you so much Tito Jojo for these photos and really, for much much more!

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  1. Looks like it was such a fun day - I love your photos!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

  2. Great pictures and this looks so fun! I'm glad you had such a great day :) xx

    Beyond the Velvet | Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blog

    1. Thank you! Wish more people could try it ;)

  3. wow it looks like such a cool place. The bike thing looks so cool, I've never seen that before ? v. jealous that we dont have that in Ireland haha. And the zip lining looked like so much fun too . Im glad you all had a good time x

    Caitriona | Blog

    1. Aww I'm sure Ireland would look pretty awesome from way up there! :)

  4. That looks amazing and frightening all at the same time! How cool!



    My Closet Life Blog

    1. Haha thought I'd be frightened but when I was there, all I really felt was amazement! :)

  5. This looks extreme

  6. wow looks amazing! never knew that you could do such a thing

    Eilidh from Velvet-Winter

  7. Wow! I've never seen anything like it. So cool! But looks a tad bit scary, to be honest! Great photos by the way! Xx

    Shaqinah // Shoes & Roses

    1. I can honestly say that it's not as scary as it looks! :)

  8. I am TERRIFIED of heights! And omg, to cycle in the sky without having ridden a bike on the ground before? You go girl! I think I'd be a tiny bit more comfortable with zip-lining, because I wouldn't freak out too much by the feeling of falling, because you're supposed to "fall," but with skycycling... I don't even know what to think haha. That extraterrestrial pic is super cool though! Anything for the blog ;) I hope my 2015 is as adventurous as your 2014! and I hope you keep having adventures! Happy new year! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

    1. Aww thanks Audrey! I wish the same good things to you and your 2015! ;)

  9. OH MY GASH!! I cant ride a bike I dont know if I could handle that, heights are way easier for me to handle than riding a bike. I've been to Eden in Davao when I was very little and I cant forget how beautiful it was :)

    1. Before this, I haven't been back there in so long too! I can honestly say it's as lovely as I remembered :)

  10. This looks like crazy fun and crazy scary all at the same time. This might be a fun way to conquer my fear of heights :)

    1. I'm sort of afraid of heights too! I said I wouldn't look down but I did and the sight was beautiful! I wish everyone could try this ;)

  11. My sister did this! It looks super hard, do you feel like you're
    falling off??


    1. not really! haha! at first I kept telling myself not to look down but then I realized it was going to be completely wasted on me if I didn't. So I did and the view was so beautiful :)


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