The last year according to my VSCOcam gallery
Friday, 22 May 2015

The last time I did something like this was well over a year ago (clearly) in an attempt to review the previous school year and to usher in the new one. I was putting this off for some time because there's something about the next school year that I haven't quite reconciled with. But I guess it's about time, and this post is sort of my way of saying that yes, I am in the process of accepting it.

So, the last year. Making it to my second year in medical school meant I was more confident about myself - a bit of a cocky belief, true, but that was what I felt when YL6 started. I kept telling myself that making it that far without having to go through removals said a lot about my capabilities. Of course, that statement has been challenged over and over throughout the year with weekly Monday exams and every other requirement we had to pass, but I'll be a third year medical student this coming August so it's safe to say I conquered YL6.

I had to go through several hardships, said goodbye to the weekend as I knew it, and was basically a zombie for almost the entire year. I say almost because it wasn't all hard work and no fun. There were good days, too (and nights. HAHAHA!) And I did promise myself that in spite of what YL6 entailed, I'd be more active and more involved in things outside of school, and I like to think I delivered on that promise. And as busy as the year was, it can't be ignored that it was during that time, too, that I reaffirmed my love for road trips and nature. So all in all, it was a good year.

And truly, I can't wait for YL7. Last year in the classroom and it's off to hospital rotations we go!

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  1. Congrats on finishing last year and moving forward to another year at MedSchool! :) I know a friend who's on her internship already, and she kept on mentioning how rewarding it was to feel whenever she's been called as "dra." :)

    Good luck and best wishes! xx

    1. Thank you so much! I'm not comfortable being called doktora just yet because clearly I still have so much to learn to deserve the label. Haha! Good for your friend though. As always I look at fresh med graduates as living testaments that this journey can be conquered. ;)


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